
úterý 2. dubna 2013

Learn Czech: Left x Right

Do you have a short time to sit down and relax? If so, let's learn two new Czech words! Here is audio record of Czech words used in this article:

Czech Language - Left x Right

Stretch your left arm. Look at your hand and say:

To je levá ruka (It is left hand)

Try to repeat it several times and ask yourself:

Jaká je to ruka? (Which hand is this?)

And now answer:

Levá ruka!
Try to make this again with your right hand.

To je pravá ruka (It is right hand)

Jaká je to ruka? (Which hand is this?)

And now answer:

Pravá ruka!

I've made two pictures for you

This is RUKA. With word ruka we mean all your arm (fingers, palm, elbow etc.) When you say ruka, you mean all arm, what you can see on picture on top.

Arm has several parts. Here's a small dictionary:

Finger(s) - Prst(y)
Palm - Dlaň
Shoulder - Rameno
Armpit - Podpaží
Elbow - Loket

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