I know, I know, I know! Prague is the place which a lot of people want to visit. Prague is very beautiful city, with many historical buildings, with famous Charles Bridge, Orloj, Pražský hrad, Václavské náměstí or a lot of typical Czech pubs with awesome Czech beer. In Prague are every day thousands of tourists and everyone looks excited. Have you ever wondered about places around or far away from Prague? The Czech Republic boasts beautiful scenery, old typical villages with old costumes and food. You can also see this in Prague, but you must go to some museum, pay entry and look at figurines or listen to your guide.
When I was young I liked Prague. I was excited, when I knew, that I will go there. Now, I do not like this city. Every time I'm there I want to turn quickly back home. It is something like stereotype, you know.
I am writing this article to give you recommended a far more beautiful place in the Czech Republic than Prague or Brno. If you want to taste real Czech life, do not spend so much time in Prague! :)
1. Česká Amerika (Czech America)
America is the name for a set of pit limestone quarries in the Czech Karst , which are connected by underground tunnels. Examples include Great America, Little America and Mexico, several large and small quarries in the surrounding forests. Located near the village of Mora in the Český Kras, near the castle Karlštejn. Names of individual fractures are secondary and resulted from a significant part of trampského environment. Specifically, the name America is documented for solitude, located near the bottom, from the year 1859!
2. Adršpašské skály (Adršpach Rocks)
Adršpach Rocks are an unusual set of sandstone formations covering 17 km² in northeastern Bohemia, Czech Republic. They are named after two nearby municipalities: Adršpach, and Teplice nad Metují.
The rocks have been protected as a national nature reserve since 1933, and since 1991 the whole adjacent region of Broumovsko has enjoyed the status of protected landscape area. Tourists may visit the rocks via a number of marked trails. The area is a popular destination for rock climbers.
The area is also one of the largest permanent breeding sites of Peregrine Falcon in Europe, as they are protected here under federal law. Some areas have been designated off limits to climbers and hikers to make sure the birds aren't disturbed.
In recent years, it has become a focus for the high-risk climbing-related sport of rock jumping.
3. Hrad Trosky (Trosky Castle)
Trosky Castle is a castle ruin located some 10 km south of Semily, Liberec Region, Czech Republic. It is one of the most famous Czech castles and is situated on the summits of two basalt volcanic plugs. On the lower peak (47 m) is the two-storey structure called Baba (Old Woman), and on the higher outcrop (57 m) is the four-sided structure known as Panna (Virgin). The castle is a landmark in the countryside known as Český ráj (Bohemian Paradise).
4. Hora Říp (Říp Mountain)
Říp Mountain is a 459 m solitary hill rising up from the central Bohemian flatland where, according to legend, the first Czechs settled. Říp is located 20 km south-east of Litoměřice, Czech Republic. Geologically, Říp is the erosional remnant of a Late Oligocene volcano and is composed of basalt nephelites containing olivine granules, amphibole, leucite and — among others — magnetite, so a local magnetic anomaly can even be observed there by the compass. The hill was bare until 1879 when Mořic Lobkowitz had it planted with trees. Today, almost all of the mountain is covered by an oak-and-hornbeam forest with some maple, pine ash, and linden trees. Some rare thermophile plants can be found at the few tree-less places on the top of the hill, such as Gagea bohemica and Iris pumila. Říp, being visible from great distance, has always been an important orientation point in the Bohemian scenery and has attracted attention since the oldest times. The name of the mountain is of pre-Slavic origin and probably comes from the Germanic stem *rīp- which means "an elevation, a hill".
5. Národní park Šumava (National Park Šumava)
The Bohemian Forest, known in Czech as Šumava is a low mountain range in Central Europe. Geographically, the mountains extend from South Bohemia in the Czech Republic to Austria and Bavaria in Germany. They create a natural border between the Czech Republic on one side and Germany and Austria on the other. The Bohemian Forest is the dividing range between the watersheds of the Black Sea and the North Sea, where water collected by the Vltava, Otava and Úhlava rivers flows. These rivers all spring from the Bohemian Forest. Owing to heavy precipitation (mostly snow), the peat bogs and the Lipno Dam, the Šumava region is an important water reservoir for Central Europe. More important for their aesthetic value than for holding water are several lakes of glacial origin.
Also do not forget to visit typical Moravian villages or smaller cities and taste Czech life and excellent Moravian wines! Very interesting type of transport in the Czech Republic is a train! Ticket are in the Czech republic comparatively cheap and a lot of trains are modern. Enjoy your trip! :)