
sobota 21. prosince 2013

Czech Language for foreigners moved!

In case you want to continue to learn Czech language

visit www.chi-nese.com

where we moved. This page (Speak Czech) will no longer work.

neděle 4. srpna 2013

Learn Czech Language: Thanks in many ways

I wonder in how many ways you can thanks in english and I found that in Czech language you can say thanks in more than 15 ways. Today I will show you TOP 5 the most useful ways, how to say thank you and at the end of the article is a link to the audio recording that I created today! Enjoy!


Děkuji ti is saying thanks to someone who you know - to your parents or member of your family, friends or someone who you know or meet every day.

Děkuji vám is saying thanks to someone who you do not know - to bus driver, teacher, doctor or someone who is pretty much older than you.

Děkuji vám is also plural way how to say thanks to group of people - 2 or more.


Díky is the most popular way how to say thanks in Czech language. It's also very simple and you can use it everywhere - in restaurant, in school, in bus or you can also say that to someone who you do not know or someone who is older than you. It does not matter when or where you use it.


The literal translation of word dík is thank, but dík is also a noun! Dík is a little bit slang form how to say thanks, so you it especially on some party or in a situation when you are with your friends.

Můžeš mi podat to kafe? Dík!
Can you give me a cup of coffee? Thanks!


Thank you very much = Děkuji vám velice moc (this is just literal translation, do not use it!)

Please, remember that you can't translate Czech language word-for-word, I mean that you can't say děkuji vám velice moc, but mockrát ti děkuji or mockrát vám děkuji.


Děkuji pěkně is from German Danke schön. We do not use this sentence so often, but here are situations, when you can use this form of thanks:

  • Saleswoman gives you money - Děkuji pěkně!
  • You do not know what kind of beer to choose, but the salesperson will recommend you the best one - Děkuji pěkně!
  • You are leaving the hotel and the receptionist gives you a business card on their hotel - Děkuji pěkně!

Finally, I must tell you that the letter D sounds like it has a hook above that letter (Ď), but if the second letter E has hook (Ě), the letter D has no hook.

But, see the word EVIL in Czech ĎAS. Above D is hook, because the second letter has no hook.

sobota 3. srpna 2013

Learn Czech: How much does it cost?

Do you know, how to say "How much does it cost"? I can't sleep, because it's still so how at night (+31°C), so I made a short video for you. 

Literal translation of the sentence "How much does it cost?" is:

Jak moc to stojí?

But remember - never use this sentence, because it is not right. If you will say "jak moc to stojí", people will understand you, but do not know, what you mean in fact. Jak moc to stojí should be decent, but also rude sentence.

 "How much does it cost" we translate as:

Kolik to stojí? - How much does it cost?
Kolik stojí auto? - How much does the car cost?

And yes, I can't forget - at the end of this video I said "Tak Akorát", that means "just right", but I do not know word-for-word. If you speak swedish it's very similar with word LAGOM :) Not too less, but also not too much - it's something like middle.

A new video coming soon! :)

Ahoj všichni studenti češtiny,

chystám se pro vás připravit nové video, ve kterém vás naučím dopravní prostředky a věty, které s tímto tématem souvisí. Doufám, že vám alespon trochu pomůže. Mějte se fajn a brzy naviděnou :)


Hi all student of Czech language,

I'm going to prepare for you a new video in which I will teach you vehicles and phrases that relate to this topic. I hope it will help you. Have a nice day and see you soon :)

P.S. I am adding here photo from "Czech Switzerland". I have been there 3 days ago and it's really beautiful place! There is a wonder of the world called "Pravčická brána", but Czech Switzerland has a lot of mountains too. I walked to the top to see Pravčická brána 6 hours and it was 36°C, but it was really lovely day. I started at 13:00 and finished at 19:00, so I was on the one of the highest place in the Czech Republic and saw awesome sunset in pink-purple sky. Another day I visited Germany, because it's around 4 km's from there.

If you're preparing to visit the Czech Republic, I highly recommend you this place.

pátek 26. července 2013

Please help keep this blog alive!

Hi students of Czech language,

It's a big pleasure to write this blog, but I think that there are not so much people who read this.

If you wants to read some news and learn Czech, please write here in the comments, what do I write what you would like to learn or what kind of video I would make for you.

I have a feeling that I write just for myself, so write me your opinion.

Thanks in advance!
Děkuji předem!


středa 24. července 2013

Making plural in Czech language

Ahoj všichni!

Do you know how to make plural in Czech language? If not, you are in the right place! Plural is in Czech language much more complex than English. In English, you just need to put letter "s", but in Czech it is a bit complex.

Learning Czech plural is very important because you will need to use them every day and in every conversation.

As you know, cat is kočka. And two cats are dvě kočky. Now you can see that you just need to delete the last letter and put there "y". But what about house - houses / dům - domy?

Y (you put this just in feminine gender - cat is woman, goat is woman..)

Cats - Kočky
Women - Ženy
Goats - Kozy

I (you put this just in masculine gender - lion is man, dog is man, deer is man..)

Lions - Lvi
Dogs - Psi
Deers - Jeleni

É (you need to use é when you are talking about inhabitants from foreign country)

Friends - Přátelé
Organizers - Pořadatelé
Swedes - Švédové
Americans - Američané
Asians - Asiaté

Watch this picture that I've created for you:

neděle 21. července 2013

Learn Czech language - European Countries

Austria - Rakousko      
Belgium - Belgie
Bulgaria - Bulharsko
Croatia - Chorvatsko      
Cyprus - Kypr
Denmark - Dánsko  
Estonia - Estonsko
Finland - Finsko
France - Francie 
Germany - Německo 
Greece - Řecko
Hungary - Maďarsko
Ireland - Irsko
Italy - Itálie
Latvia - Lotyšsko
Lithuania - Litva
Luxembourg - Lucembursko
Netherlands - Holandsko
Poland - Polsko
Portugal - Portugalsko
Romania - Rumunsko
Slovakia - Slovensko
Spain - Španělsko
Sweden Švédsko
United Kingdom - Velká Británie

úterý 9. července 2013

Facts about czech names & surnames

It's interesting that the majority of female surnames mostly ends with -ová.

I mean, we do not have Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, but Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Jacksonová

Here is comparios of female and male surnames:



Another interesting fact is that the woman always gets after married surname from her husband. When she is previously named Marie Horáková and her husband Tomáš Novák, her name is Marie Nováková now.

A last point of interest is that if you are not married - wife's name is Nováková and her boyfriend is Horák, your child will always get surname after his/her father, not mother.

Czech words from other languages: Non-Czech words

Hello dear students of the Czech language,

I am bringing you another article with words that hasn't czech origin, but you can use them in Czech language..

Democracy - Demokracie
Archeology - Archeologie
Republic - Republika
Student - Student
Cycle - Cyklus

Musical terms (We don't translate them)


Sports terms (We also don't translate them)


sobota 29. června 2013

Czech vowels & Special letters

Ahoj students of Czech language,

here's my new video about Czech vowels and special Czech vowels. I hope you will like it!

úterý 25. června 2013

Czech language: Soft (i) and hard (y)

Ahoj všichni, jak se máte?

Today I am going to show you just a few examples when you need to use soft or hard iy in the verbs in the past tense. Do not worry, it's really simple and easy to understand.

Ženy CHODILY do obchodu nakupovat oblečení - Women went to the store to buy clothes
Muži ZPÍVALI národní hymnu - Men sang the national anthem
Ženy vařily - Muži vařili
Ženy se sprchovaly - Muži se sprchovali
Ženy něco potřebovaly - Muži něco potřebovali
Ženy uklízely - Muži uklízeli

Note that -the woman- is always with hard y (or in Czech we call this letter hard y)
Conversely, men have at the end of the verb always soft i

Do you know how to easily remember these rules? It sounds funny, but it can help you through this very simply derive :)

How are the women? Hard! (Meant strong)
How are men? Soft! (Meant not strong)

čtvrtek 20. června 2013

Czech Republic Weather - 33°C in the shade!

O můj bože! (Oh my god!). It's three o'clock in the afternoon and we have 33°C in the shade. I suppose that  on the sun in around forty degrees..I read yesterday in the news that in the Czech Republic was the warmest day in Europe, even more than in Spain or Italy. Czech Republic is really hot country, but all we need is sea and palms :)

If you travel to the Czech Republic, do not forget to bring your sunscreen! :)

Sunscreen - Opalovací krém

středa 19. června 2013

Learn Czech language: Is Czech difficult for you?

You may know that every second Czech word can be derived from something and that's why I always say that the Czech language very simple. Really. Czech language has one big advantage - written text is the same as the spoken text. I mean, for ex. in Swedish language you do not read the word nurse "sjukskoterska" how you see it on your screen, but "chujukvoteška". In Russian, you can't say "Russia", but "Rasýja".

Well, back to the point. How I said, every second-third Czech word can be derived from something else.
I will show you a few examples for better understanding.

The verbs

To can - Umět
To jump - Skákat
To fish - Rybařit
To listen - Poslouchat
To drink - Pít


Art - Umění
Jump - Skok
Fish - Ryba
Hearing - Sluch
Drink - Pití


Umět - Umě
Skákat -Skok
Rybařit - Ryba
Poslouchat - Sluch
Pít - Pití

Learn Czech language with TV!

Ahoj, hello, hallo, привет!

It's been quite a long time since I have not written any new article. I wonder every day how to efficient and faster learn a foreign language. I know it's an old thing, but the TV is the best teacher, you know. There are not so much televisions that you can watch for free on the internet, so I am bringing you some useful links. I hope that you will appreciate it and if you have any question, contact me on my email or comment this article.

Naviděnou! :)

By clicking on picture you will be redirected..


pondělí 6. května 2013

Learn Czech Language: Good, Better, The best (...)

Dobrý večer! Good evening!

I am bringing you another lesson of the Czech language. Today I'd like to teach you, how to say "good, better, the best..." - positive, comparative and superlative. This will very easy for all advanced students. All base words ends with (ý, á or é). All comparatives ends with (í) and all superlatives has preposition (nej).

Base Word

Good - Dobrý
Big - Velký
Small - Malý
Fast - Rychlý
Deep - Hluboký


Better - Lepší
Bigger - Větší
Smaller - Menší
Faster - Rychlejší
Deeper - Hlubší

Superlative NEJ

The best - Nejlepší
The biggest - Největší
The smallest - Nejmenší
The fastest - Nejrychlejší
The deepest - Nejhlubší

úterý 30. dubna 2013

Czech word of the day: Pálení čarodějnic


here is the first word of the day. Today is in the Czech republic very famous day, which we call Čarodějnice or Pálení čarodějnic. In english I guess you call it Walpurgis Night. This day is often celebrated with dancing, with bonfires, a lot of alcohol and light from the fire.

If you look at this picture, it look very awfully, but this day is really not so awfully as it looks. And how does this day start in the Czech republic? People are preparing and decorating a tree which we call májka. Then we wait to evening, when sun is not in the sky and everywhere is dark. We go to the highest hill in our village or city and set fire to branches, wood or leaves. Before we set the fire, we take into the hands handmade witch (textiles, paper, wood) and insert it in the middle of a big stack. Then we set the fire and čarodějnický den (witch day) can start. We are dancing, talking with others, someone is drinking alcohol (especially typical Czech beer, Vodka or Slivovice) and enjoy very long night. This custom originates from a distant history when this burning witches expelled from the village or town. Today it's just a habit, but the atmosphere is amazing. I guarantee it!

Come back with me to the word májka. How I wrote, májka is typical tree, which is sometimes in the middle of village and present a witch day. It is something like Swedes have a midsommar tree. Overnight must watch this beautiful tree young guys that someone did not come from the surrounding villages cut off it. Tree májka also often puts fathers to their daughtersbefore they wedding in their garden like symbol of fertility.

Enjoy your day and night! Ahoj :)

středa 24. dubna 2013

Czech language for cabin crew (at airport, check in, immigration)

At airport - Na letišti

Check-in = Odbavení

How many pieces of luggage do you have? Kolik máte kusů zavazadel?

Only one. Pouze jedno
Did you pack your luggage yourself? Balil jste si své zavazadlo sám?

Yes, I did. Ano, sám.
Has anyone given you anything to take on the flight? Dal vám někdo nějakou věc, abyste ji vzal do letadla?

No, they haven't. Ne, nikdo.
Do you have any hand-luggage? Máte nějaké příruční zavazadlo?

Yes, I have one bag. Ano, mám jeden batoh.

Immigration / Customs = Celní kontrola

May I see your passport please? Můžu vidět váš pas, prosím?
Yes, here it is. Ano, tady je.

Where did you fly from? Odkud jste letěl?
I flew from Prague. Letěl jsem z Prahy.

How long are you planning to stay? Jak tady dlouho plánujete zůstat?
I'll be staying for two weeks. Zůstanu tady dva týdny.

Other Important Words

Arrival/Přílet (noun): Přílet do vaší destinace
Aisle seat/ Sedadlo u uličky: Sedadlo, které se v letadle nachází u uličky
Departure/Odlet: Odlet do jiné destinace
Duty-free shop/Obchod bez tax: Obchod na letišti, kde se neplatí taxy
Land/Přistání: Letadlo přistává na letištní plochu
Runway/Ranvej: Rozjezdová dráha pro letadla, která vzlétávají nebo přistávají
Take-off/Vzlet: Opuštění dráhy a vzlétnutí

úterý 23. dubna 2013

What should be the next article?

What should be the next article? Vote from 23.4.2013 to 24.4.2013 12:00!

What should be the next article?

Learn Czech language: Mushrooming

Mushrooming is in the Czech republic a big passion!

 Except for a few species that are grown at farms or factories, most of the mushrooms grow in nature. Mushroom hunting and picking is very popular among Czechs. Due to their enthusiasm, they are often considered as mushroom fanatics. There is a common belief that mushrooming is a Czech national sport and that this phenomenon is unique. Czechs are also the best experts in identifying mushroom species..

We have a lot of great mushroom foods - mushroom dishes are very healthy and contain lots of quality nutrients. The best of all is, that you can find all healthy nutrients in nature and all is for free! Big importance is to choose the correct mushrooms, because we have a lot of mangy and toxic mushrooms, which eats just forest animals!

Here is a short list of words that you will need when you will pick mushrooms in the Czech republic:

Mushroom picking - Sbírání hub
Mushrooming - Houbaření
Mushroom - Houba
Basket - Košík
Knife - Nůž
Wood - Les

úterý 9. dubna 2013

Same words in Czech and English language

Dobrý večer. I'm bringing you a short list of Czech words that you can also see in English language! 

Did you know, that the word robot comes from the Czech word robota, meaning literally "serf labor" and figuratively "drudgery" or "hard work"?

Learn Czech Language: City Buildings

Ahoj! Here's my new video for you. I hope you will like it and enjoy Czech language! :)

If you have some questions, let me know on my email or comment this post!

Declension in Czech language

Czech declension is system of grammatically determined modifications of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals in the Czech language. Czech has seven cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, locative and instrumental. This essentially means that a word can have 14 possible forms in singular and plural. Some forms are the same in more than one place in each paradigm.

One woman is asking one woman (Singular)


She needs help - Ona potřebuje pomoc
He needs help - On potřebuje pomoc
It needs help - (To) potřebuje pomoc


We need help - My potřebujeme pomoc
You need help - Vy potřebujete pomoc
They need help - Oni potřebují pomoc

One woman is asking two people (plural)

pondělí 8. dubna 2013

How to ask for beer in the Czech language?

Every tourist who visits the Czech Republic wants to taste typical Czech beer that has amazing flavor. Do you want to know, how to ask in Czech pub or restaurant for a beer?


Formal question for "I'd like one beer" is Dal bych si jedno pivo

..but there are a lot of ways, how to ask for beer

Dal bych si jedno pivo - I'd like one beer
Prosil bych jedno pivo - One beer, please
Chci jedno pivo - I want one beer
Dám si jedno pivko - I'd like one "beer" but pivko is slang expression of beer

PIVKO is something like "small beer", but in fact, waiter will bring you same beer like when you use PIVO


Singular is pivo with O
Plural is piva with A
Differences between singular and plural are very easy. You can ask yourself:

How much beers are there? ONE
Kolik je tam piv? JEDNO

Singular JEDNO ends with O, so you can see, that singular of beer is JEDNO PIVO
Both ends with letter O

sobota 6. dubna 2013

Travel to the Czech republic guide: 5 tips, what to visit!

I know, I know, I know! Prague is the place which a lot of people want to visit. Prague is very beautiful city, with many historical buildings, with famous Charles Bridge, Orloj, Pražský hrad, Václavské náměstí or a lot of typical Czech pubs with awesome Czech beer. In Prague are every day thousands of tourists and everyone looks excited. Have you ever wondered about places around or far away from Prague? The Czech Republic boasts beautiful scenery, old typical villages with old costumes and food. You can also see this in Prague, but you must go to some museum, pay entry and look at figurines or listen to your guide.

When I was young I liked Prague. I was excited, when I knew, that I will go there. Now, I do not like this city. Every time I'm there I want to turn quickly back home. It is something like stereotype, you know.

I am writing this article to give you recommended a far more beautiful place in the Czech Republic than Prague or Brno. If you want to taste real Czech life, do not spend so much time in Prague! :)

1. Česká Amerika (Czech America)

America is the name for a set of pit limestone quarries in the Czech Karst , which are connected by underground tunnels. Examples include Great America, Little America and Mexico, several large and small quarries in the surrounding forests. Located near the village of Mora in the Český Kras, near the castle Karlštejn. Names of individual fractures are secondary and resulted from a significant part of trampského environment. Specifically, the name America is documented for solitude, located near the bottom, from the year 1859!

2. Adršpašské skály (Adršpach Rocks)

Adršpach Rocks are an unusual set of sandstone formations covering 17 km² in northeastern Bohemia, Czech Republic. They are named after two nearby municipalities: Adršpach, and Teplice nad Metují.

The rocks have been protected as a national nature reserve since 1933, and since 1991 the whole adjacent region of Broumovsko has enjoyed the status of protected landscape area. Tourists may visit the rocks via a number of marked trails. The area is a popular destination for rock climbers.

The area is also one of the largest permanent breeding sites of Peregrine Falcon in Europe, as they are protected here under federal law. Some areas have been designated off limits to climbers and hikers to make sure the birds aren't disturbed.

In recent years, it has become a focus for the high-risk climbing-related sport of rock jumping.

3. Hrad Trosky (Trosky Castle)

Trosky Castle is a castle ruin located some 10 km south of Semily, Liberec Region, Czech Republic. It is one of the most famous Czech castles and is situated on the summits of two basalt volcanic plugs. On the lower peak (47 m) is the two-storey structure called Baba (Old Woman), and on the higher outcrop (57 m) is the four-sided structure known as Panna (Virgin). The castle is a landmark in the countryside known as Český ráj (Bohemian Paradise).

4. Hora Říp (Říp Mountain)

Říp Mountain is a 459 m solitary hill rising up from the central Bohemian flatland where, according to legend, the first Czechs settled. Říp is located 20 km south-east of Litoměřice, Czech Republic. Geologically, Říp is the erosional remnant of a Late Oligocene volcano and is composed of basalt nephelites containing olivine granules, amphibole, leucite and — among others — magnetite, so a local magnetic anomaly can even be observed there by the compass. The hill was bare until 1879 when Mořic Lobkowitz had it planted with trees. Today, almost all of the mountain is covered by an oak-and-hornbeam forest with some maple, pine ash, and linden trees. Some rare thermophile plants can be found at the few tree-less places on the top of the hill, such as Gagea bohemica and Iris pumila. Říp, being visible from great distance, has always been an important orientation point in the Bohemian scenery and has attracted attention since the oldest times. The name of the mountain is of pre-Slavic origin and probably comes from the Germanic stem *rīp- which means "an elevation, a hill".

5. Národní park Šumava (National Park Šumava)

The Bohemian Forest, known in Czech as Šumava is a low mountain range in Central Europe. Geographically, the mountains extend from South Bohemia in the Czech Republic to Austria and Bavaria in Germany. They create a natural border between the Czech Republic on one side and Germany and Austria on the other. The Bohemian Forest is the dividing range between the watersheds of the Black Sea and the North Sea, where water collected by the Vltava, Otava and Úhlava rivers flows. These rivers all spring from the Bohemian Forest. Owing to heavy precipitation (mostly snow), the peat bogs and the Lipno Dam, the Šumava region is an important water reservoir for Central Europe. More important for their aesthetic value than for holding water are several lakes of glacial origin.

Also do not forget to visit typical Moravian villages or smaller cities and taste Czech life and excellent Moravian wines! Very interesting type of transport in the Czech Republic is a train! Ticket are in the Czech republic comparatively cheap and a lot of trains are modern. Enjoy your trip! :)

pátek 5. dubna 2013

Learn Czech Language: Shopping Questions (Clothes)

How much does it cost? - Kolik to stojí?
What size is that? - Jaká je to velikost?
Do you have a different color? - Máte jinou barvu?
How many pieces do you have? - Kolik máte kusů?
Can I try it? - Můžu si to vyzkoušet?
May I pay with cash? - Můžu platit hotově?

And here is one example:

You can see, that shopping cart is in Czech language NÁKUPNÍ VOZÍK
Every Czech word or phrase has his own explanation, same to this shopping cart!


NÁKUP = buying or purchase
NÍ = suffix (nákupní, obchodní, televizní, satelitní)

NÁKUP+NÍ = shopping


This word come from verb vozit (drive)

VOZ(IT) = drive
ÍK = suffix

The suffix ÍK  we use, if noun is masculine
Check these examples:

VOZÍK = CART (masculine)

úterý 2. dubna 2013

Learn Czech: Left x Right

Do you have a short time to sit down and relax? If so, let's learn two new Czech words! Here is audio record of Czech words used in this article:

Czech Language - Left x Right

Stretch your left arm. Look at your hand and say:

To je levá ruka (It is left hand)

Try to repeat it several times and ask yourself:

Jaká je to ruka? (Which hand is this?)

And now answer:

Levá ruka!
Try to make this again with your right hand.

To je pravá ruka (It is right hand)

Jaká je to ruka? (Which hand is this?)

And now answer:

Pravá ruka!

I've made two pictures for you

This is RUKA. With word ruka we mean all your arm (fingers, palm, elbow etc.) When you say ruka, you mean all arm, what you can see on picture on top.

Arm has several parts. Here's a small dictionary:

Finger(s) - Prst(y)
Palm - Dlaň
Shoulder - Rameno
Armpit - Podpaží
Elbow - Loket

Formal x Informal Czech language: Greetings


Typical informal greeting is ahoj. You can hear it everyday and everywhere. You can greet with ahoj your friend or someone, who you know a long time. 

Hello! - Ahoj!
Hey! - Čau! or Nazdar!
Goodbye! - Ahoj!

Čau you can also use to greet your friend, but usually čau use friend, who pass by street and you just see him. You just say čau and move on. Ahoj you can also use, when you want to say good bye!


Formal czech is a little bit different than informal. When you want to use for example dobrý den (good day), you greet with this expression someone, who you don't know or someone, who is older than you. You can use this to greet bus driver, doctor, shop assistant od waiter in the restaurant.

Good morning - Dobré ráno
Good day - Dobrý den
"Good noon" - Dobré poledne
Good afternoon - Dobré odpoledne
Good evening - Dobrý večer
Good night - Dobrou noc


All people in the Czech republic use "slang" greetings. Yes, dobrý den is good day, but you can very often hear especially in village or in big group of friends this:

Good day! - Dobrej! (Dobrej means something like when you say just "good"!)
Good night! - Dobrou! (Dobrou means something like when you say just "night"!)
Goodbye! - Nashle! (Nashle means something like when you say just "bye"!)

Is this article good for you or do you need help? Do not hesitate to contact me in the comments =)

Learn Czech Language For Free!

Ahoj! :)

Have you ever wondered what language to start learn? Have you ever wondered to start with Czech language? I don't think so. I do not think that everyone wants to learn Czech, because when you ask someone: "Where can I use Czech language?"

They will told you: "In the Czech republic, Slovakia, but you can also a little understand Polish, Russian, Croatian or Ukrainian language!"

Yes, true. The Czech Republic has around 10 million inhabitants and from the perspective of a man from China it is paucity but we can not compare an ant with an elephant. Do you know quote from Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk?

"As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being!" (Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk)

Meaning of this quote can be - The more languages you know, the broader is your mentality. There are a lot of reasons why learn Czech language - you can need it to travel to the places in Czech republic, when people do not speak so much english, maybe you can start, because of your czech (boy)girl friend or just want to meet a new language. Beautiful language.

I made this site for all who want to learn Czech from a native speaker and for all that tired just reading lyrics without pronunciation (audio) and agonize over how to say it. I will teach you gradually Czech entertaining way and I believe that you will succeed. Excuse my English, and let's learn the first word!

Naviděnou! See you! :)